Youth Homelessness Representative Council
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About Us
The Youth Homelessness Representative Council (YHRC) is a group of passionate young people (aged 18–25 years) who have lived experience of youth homelessness, including young people who identify as LGBTIQA+, and from First Nations and CALD backgrounds. The YHRC meets quarterly to discuss and address issues affecting children and young people at risk of and experiencing homelessness. We aim to foster meaningful partnerships with organisations, services and government to co-design a future where every young person has access to a safe and supportive home.
Yfoundations resources and supports the YHRC to ensure lived experience and expertise inform our work in advocating for children and young people experiencing homelessness, and the services that support them. Together, we amplify youth voices, inform policies and programs, and advocate for practical solutions to end child and youth homelessness in NSW.
The overall aims of the YHRC are to:
- engage with young people in decision making around issues that affect young people experiencing homelessness
- provide young people with a platform to voice concerns on issues that matter to them
- provide opportunities to collaborate with young people on policy and program development
- provide an opportunity for member services and government to consult with young people about proposed practice and policy changes
- engage with the sector and ensure we are bringing together the collective voice of young people.
Join The YHRC
We are open to expressions of interest from young people aged 18–25 who have a lived experience of homelessness and a passion to improve young people’s lives. If you are interested in becoming a member or know someone who is, please reach out.
We review applications to join the YHRC on an as needs basis and are always happy to discuss this with you.
Applications can be submitted at this link.
If you have any enquiries, please contact Yfoundations via phone at 02 8306 7901 or email the team at