Each year, the YHMD campaign goals centre around:
#1 Break stereotypes
The aim of this campaign is to break the common stereotypes associated with youth homelessness and young people who experience disadvantage.
The stigma attached to homelessness often prevents many young people from seeking help. As such, Youth Homelessness Matters Day aims to raise awareness that youth homelessness stereotypes are not accurate and there needs to be more focus on recognising the signs of homelessness so there can be less shame and more productive help available.
#2 Engage with government and business
The campaign also aims to engage government and corporate sectors to resource specialist youth homelessness services, also known as youth refuges or shelters, which provide young people with the help they need in order to get back on their feet.
#3 Ensure young people have greater access to support and services
Young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness need access to supportive and well-resourced services that work with them to establish foundations on which they can build a stable future. These services can be tasked with the provision of ensuring health and wellbeing, safety and stability, and re-engagement and participation with education and employment services.
#4 Increase community awareness
The campaign aims to increase awareness of the factors that lead to child and youth homelessness. Bringing awareness is vital if we are to end youth homelessness in Australia. Funding and support for services and campaigns like YHMD are vital to achieving this goal in Australia. No child or young person should be without a home.