The Yfoundations Member Code of Ethics sets out the ethical principles Yfoundations endorses and the standards that are expected of its members. As members of Yfoundations, we expect you to act in an ethical manner in line with your organisation's code of conduct whilst upholding Yfoundations' Member Code of Ethics. When signing up as a member, your organisation and employees of your organisation will agree to the following:

Every Member of Yfoundations shall always, when acting in their capacity as a member, employee, or volunteer in a community organisation:

  • pursue as their highest priority the fulfilment of the mission, values and ethics of their organisation
  • promote the interests of the organisation itself
  • consider the interests of the organisation's stakeholders, its clients, its consumers, its employees, and the society and environment in which it operates
  • operate within a child-safe environment and in the best interests of young people.

As a member of Yfoundations you:

  • will interact honestly, respectfully and in fairness, placing the interests of others before your own when participating in events, online or in forums hosted by Yfoundations
  • will work within the law and within the rules
  • will adhere to the Child Safe Standards, keeping all children and vulnerable people safe from harm to the best of your ability
  • will not knowingly plagiarise or steal proprietary information belonging to another entity for your personal or professional gain
  • shall not condone or practice sexual harassment nor discriminate against others on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, national origin, age, political affiliation or physical abilities
  • will conduct yourself in such fashion as to be a credit to Yfoundations, your organisation and the homelessness sector
  • will oppose and discourage any untrue, unsupported and/or exaggerated statements against the homelessness sector
  • will strive to increase the competence and prestige of the social services profession whilst abiding by your qualification’s ethical guidelines
  • will disclose any business connections, interests or circumstances that may influence professional judgement or services, which could result in a potential conflict of interest between Yfoundations and a member organisation (example: working for a government department)
  • shall not disclose, directly or indirectly, information concerning the business affairs of an employer, client or associate in any way or which identifies them, without their consent
  • shall not divulge information given to you in confidence
  • shall not attempt, either falsely or maliciously, to injure the reputation, organisation and/or employee/s of Yfoundations or any other member, whether individual or corporate
  • shall not offer, give or accept any gifts, favours, monies, or services that might unduly influence proper process or could be considered unethical or illegal
  • shall not disclose the business affairs and financial status of another member
  • shall refrain from plagiarism in oral and/or written communications, and not knowingly accept credit rightfully due to another person or entity
  • having positive knowledge of a violation of this Code of Ethics by another member, shall bring such action to the attention of Yfoundations' Board of Directors.

Yfoundations Members shall uphold this Code of Ethics by action and example, and shall encourage other members to do the same.

Alleged violations are to be reported to the Yfoundations Board of Directors, who will handle any complaints.

As a member, by accepting the code of ethics, you confirm you have read, understood and agree to the above ethical standards.

The member acknowledges that if the ethical standards of conduct are breached, the Yfoundations Board of Directors has a right to suspend, decline or terminate membership in line with our Constitution and Policies.

Any questions pertaining to the content of the code of ethics can be directed to the Chief Executive Officer of Yfoundations