Yfoundations Annual General Meeting 2023

See you there


November 28, 2023 at 10:00am - 11:30am


Rydges Sydney Central
28 Albion St
Surry Hills, NSW 2010
Google map and directions


Lauren Kiernan

02 8306 7901

Yfoundations Annual General Meeting 2023

Calling all members to come and join us for Yfoundations Annual General Meeting (AGM), taking place Tuesday, 28 November from 10am.

It's a hybrid event, taking place face to face at Rydges Sydney Central and online for those who are unable to attend face to face.

Our guest speaker is Dr Keith Suter, one of Australia’s most influential Global Futurists and media commentators. He has held several strategic leadership roles and is renowned for explaining complex global and business issues in a way audiences can digest and understand.

Dr Suter will talk about preparing for the future and examine techniques for prediction, creating a preferred version for a business or country, and what could possibly happen that we're not yet seeing (scenario planning). This will be explored against the social issues we're experiencing in Australia – housing shortages, the cost of living crisis and the unavoidable escalation of people falling into poverty and homelessness.

Dr Suter’s presentation will obviously encourage a robust discussion and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.  

We're looking forward to seeing you all there. It’s important you register for the AGM so we can cater for the numbers we are hosting.